Bunny Babies 1

Bunny Babies and Maine Coon Cat

Please note before beginning this story that cotton tail rabbits, which are the majority of those which are wild, especially around people’s homes, should for all practical purposes, never be touched or bothered by human beings. Baby rabbits may seem like they have been abandoned or that they need help, but capturing one or removing it from where ever you saw it, almost guarantees it will not live. The simple act of putting one in a box to keep it safe will likely kill it from stress. They are not meant to be kept in boxes. If you take one thing away from this story it should be that in almost every scenario a rabbit is better left alone than if a human gets involved. A staggering truth is that the survival rate of a cotton tail rabbit drops to a 10% chance when taken out of the wild. That number drops further if the rabbit has not yet opened its eyes. What most people do not know is they require a milk that is very complex in nutrients. The mother only visits the nest twice a day for a short time. They may appear abandoned but they are not; moving them is far worse than leaving them alone. If you have found an animal which was caught by your cat do not expect it to survive due to bacteria in the cat’s mouth. Nature is as harsh as it is beautiful and can be mysterious in its ways.

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