After some time had passed, enough for those who were injured to the point of needing medical assistance being addressed, agent Crandel called for a meeting. He wanted everyone there. The building commons area was teeming with activity. New recruits to use the jet-packs which were salvaged from the fight, came in looking out of place and unsure of what to do next. Scuttlebutt was that they were not finished in their training, but command had no other choice than to send them along. Tracker was standing around watching the new recruits come in when he noticed he had company. It was Devonne, the Black Wasp. She gave him a friendly nudge. “Worried about your other half?” She asked. “Sure. About Daniel as well. They should have been back before we were. Nobody has any word of them. The last anybody saw of them was when they followed the saucers to find the mother ship. I fear that is exactly what happened. They found the mother ship and were discovered.” Tracker said with a sigh. “Do you want to grab some of the gang and go looking for them?” She asked. “That’s really great of you to ask but I think we have to see the bigger picture. One, they are able to take care of themselves. Two, we could possibly make things worse by taking out some of key players and getting them caught or killed. Then when Crandel is ready to launch a counter-attack he will be greatly crippled when the news arrives that many of his team leaders are now missing. Not too mention other key players.” Tracker sighed and gave her a look that was tired and worried but also determined to do what was necessary to win the war. “Crandel is aware of all the angles. We have to trust he will make the right decision at the right time. If we cut his legs out from under him and we are wrong, we will be the reason the earth loses. I think we have to trust him.” “Okay. I get what you are saying. I know it must be extremely hard to sit here and do nothing.” She said. Then she leaned over and gave him a kiss. “That’s just to help keep your head in the game.” She smiled and wondered away into the mix of men and women going this way and that, preparing to go back out and fight when ordered. Over loud speakers throughout the building, came an announcement. ‘Attention all team members join your captain and stand by for agent Crandel to address us.’ Then there was some background noise and the sound of people struggling to get past each other in a close-quarters circumstance. Next came the sound of the microphone exchanging hands, followed by a clearing of the throat. Then they heard agent Crandel come on. “I’m sorry to say we haven’t any news about any of our team who are still missing. That includes the secondary mission team members, FireAnt2 and Dragonfly. Its literally only been a couple of hours since we got back into headquarters so lets keep a good thought.” He let off the mike button for a second while thinking what and how to say next? Then he continued. “You may have noticed we already have new recruits coming in to man the jet-packs which were lost in the last fight. Please welcome the new members and show them any courtesy you would appreciate yourselves if the tables were turned. … Okay we are going to have another run at the saucers this afternoon probably right before rush hour, not that we are expecting anybody to be out. I’m just letting you know now what to expect.” —————— Chapter ———————————- Tracker 2 and Daniel decided to turn around and follow the line back out of the place where they had found themselves. Were they inside the mother ship? They did not know. The only thing they were sure about was that they could no longer see the earth behind them or the stars above. Both felt very ill. “Keep moving!” Tracker 2 ordered Daniel. “We have to get away from here. I don’t know what is going on but it is making me very sick.” “Me too!” Daniel exclaimed. The two boys increased their speed going back the way they came. The further they got, the better they felt. They passed saucer after saucer until Tracker stopped, hovering, because suddenly he could see the earth again. It was the strangest thing. He never felt himself leave a ship and enter the atmosphere. Daniel came whipping up. He too, was astounded at how things had changed, but he didn’t see them change. “Whatever was going on, I feel very confident that we did the right thing to leave there. I will always feel that way.” Daniel said with confidence. “It was making me sick. Something was saying to me that if I stayed there, I was not ever going to leave. Regardless of how much regenerative powers were involved.” Tracker 2 shook his head in agreement. “Yeah I agree. Sometimes you just have to trust your inner voice. It was making me sick too. Whatever is in that place, it isn’t good for human beings. What I don’t get is that they are obviously coming to earth for something specific, so they aren’t here to get rid of something. Although, that stuff would make people sick, and I would guess kill them if they were exposed to it long enough. Do you think they are using it as a weapon?” “Possibly. We should get back to the headquarters.” Daniel said, and then he went full speed for home. Tracker 2 followed. ——————- Chapter ———————— Carrie Sanders, aka The No-See-Um, took a different flight direction when Team Crandel first encountered the convoy of flying saucers. While Tracker 2 and Daniel followed the convoy one direction, and the remaining members of the team stood the ground to break up the convoy, The No-See-Um followed the convoy the opposite direction. No-See-Ums are small insects gifted with flight who can go unseen just about anywhere. Carrie was using her abilities to their best use at that time, which was to find out where the saucers were going. She was surprised at what she saw, though she wasn’t sure what it was she was seeing. The saucers were hovering over a piece of barron-looking landscape which to her knowledge held no special minerals, and in fact, if she wasn’t mistaken, they were either over, or near, a big piece of land the US government declared as toxic to human beings. She thought it used to be a munitions plant. Whatever was going on, it was obvious to her the ships were returning to where they had been, after hovering over that piece of land for about twenty minutes. Carrie left the location and flew for headquarters. She had spent a lot of time waiting in the line of saucers to find out what they were doing and where, now she needed to get back with the information she had gained. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, if anything, but brighter minds awaited the news. Perhaps they could piece it all together? She had a distance to travel before reaching the headquarters. When you are a No-See-Um you must travel light or the things you bring with you can get you caught. For that reason she didn’t have a cell phone to use. She searched the landscape as she passed it to find a dwelling of some sort. Up ahead was a house. Carrie came to a landing and allowed her body to change back to its normal state. The one catch to being a No-See-Um is that you can’t afford any extras. Like clothing. She had no choice, this was not just national security but world security at risk. She knocked on the door. Lucky a woman answered. When the woman saw she immediately disappeared and then was back with a towel. “Come in dear, come in. You poor thing. What has happened to you? Fred! Fred, go into our room and get my robe. My name is Henrietta Bostwick. What is your name honey?” Carrie allowed the lady to get out her questions which conveniently gave her a little time to get her composure. Walking up to a stranger’s house while wearing no clothes is traumatizing. She appreciated the moment to get her feet back under her. When the lady was finished, Carrie said, “I’m okay. Really. But I need to use your phone. Would that be possible?” “Fred!” The lady bellowed. “Fred! Bring a phone too.” From a room in the back came Fred’s voice, “Yours or mine?” “Doesn’t matter just bring one!” Henrietta hollered. “Be here in just a minute dear.” “Thank you for everything.” Carrie responded. “It is quite important or I would not have bothered you.” “I’m sure it is honey.” The lady replied. “Doesn’t have anything to do with the flying saucers does it? We been watching them fly by for a day and a half now. They go both directions.” Then she turned her head back toward the direction of the voice. “Fred! What’s taking you so long?” “I’m coming.” His voice carried. Then the next thing he said was not said loud enough to be overheard but it came through all the same. “You’d think it was the president. She gave me that kind of attention if I showed up with no clothes on I might be a little quicker to respond.” “I heard that!” Henrietta exclaimed. “We’ll talk about that later!” Fred came around the corner holding a white robe and a cell phone. He handed them to Henrietta who then ushered him out of the room. “Go finish your lunch you old pain my back side.” He lumbered away into the other room mumbling something, this time low enough it could not be understood. Carrie thought to herself that he learns quick if nothing else. Then she couldn’t hold back a slight smile, thinking of the conversation Henrietta was sure to bring up later. Dance, Fred, Dance. Like you have never danced before, dance away, away until you’re out of hearing distance. But she suspected that Fred wouldn’t get that far before Henrietta chased him down for their conversation. Oh well, that was for future Fred and Henrietta to figure out. Right now they were still being kind enough to allow their guest the use of their phone. “Hello, this is Carrie Sanders. A. k. a. the No-See-Um. I need to file a report immediately.” The voice on the phone told her to hold. Then when she heard the line being clicked over she continued. “I am about two hours from headquarters, due east, slightly to the south. I followed the saucers to a location which I believe is the old ammunitions plant, called Sunflower, back when it existed. Now it is a super-fund site. If I am correct, and I think I am, that location is declared toxic and may be that the saucers are doing something to, or with, the toxic stuff there. I thought it important enough to call in my findings as if you are aware; my abilities come with a price. I cannot carry anything with me or I risk being caught.” The voice over the phone could be heard replying as she was placing it back into its cradle, “Yes we understand agent No-See-.” … click. She had hung up the phone. Henrietta heard the entire conversation. “So you didn’t have any clothes on because you couldn’t be wearing any or they would have seen you. Is that correct?” Carrie took off the towel while her body changed back to its hero state. Suddenly Henrietta was looking at nothing, but she heard a voice say, “You’ve been a dear. And your help may make a difference in the battle against the invasion.” The front door opened, then the screen door. as it slammed shut the voice said, “Please thank Fred as well. Go easy on him Henny. He seems like a good enough bloke.” Then there was a whisp of wind and then there was nothing. Henrietta looked out the screen door at the bright of day and then shut the front door. ——————— Chapter ———————— Back at headquarters agent Crandel was busy organizing the next attack against the aliens. New recruits were being teamed up with the fallen jet-packs that had lost their previous owners. Instructions were being given for last-minute reminders since the new recruits were not officially graduates of their training. They were however the best command had to offer. Tracker and Daniel 2 were talking. Both sharing their concern about the double that was missing. Neither could imagine what they could have encountered that they could not have been able to escape. It was just then that they two lost members of the Tribe, came walking back into everyone’s life. “Hey everyone! Sorry we took so long to get back.” Tracker 2 proclaimed. “I guess agent Crandel is going to want to speak to us. Anybody know where he might be?” Tracker and Daniel 2 both gave their double a hug. And then they hugged the other’s double. Then Tracker started to hug Daniel 2 and Tracker 2 started to hug Daniel, but that was when all of them caught themselves, so they just backed away awkwardly. Then they had a laugh. “Good to see you two!” Tracker exclaimed. “Where have you been?” “I would tell you we found the mother ship but that would not be quite correct. I mean we found it but we couldn’t tell where it started and the rest of the universe ended, and vice-versa.” Tracker 2 said. “That makes a lot of sense.” Tracker said. “I know. Yet it is the truth. at least, as we saw it.” Daniel said, backing up Tracker 2. “It was weird. We followed the saucers and at some point we entered the mother ship without knowing it. Then we began to get really sick and we booked out of the there as fast as possible. Once we backtracked we suddenly realized we were no longer inside the mother ship, but we never knew where the point was that we left the ship. What we did know was that we started feeling better once we got out of the mother ship. Then we came here.” The group of friends making up what is known as “The Tribe” were approached by agent Crandel. He said, “I just got a call from The No-See-Um. She followed the convoy the opposite direction as you two went. She discovered the saucers were spending time over a toxic dump site. I did some research and found out that site not only was declared a toxic site, but that they have been using it to dump radioactive waste there. What do you suppose the aliens are doing with that?” The group of kids thought about it. Daniel spoke up. “We got sick while inside the mother ship. Do you think they are bringing their toxic waste here to dump it off?” Agent Crandel said, “That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why pick an inhabited planet to dump your toxic waste when you could literally stop anywhere, or even just dump it out into space. Why come here?” “Punishment? Maybe they are punishing us for having our own toxic waste. Maybe they thought since we are doing it to ourselves anyway … ” Seta said. Next Page “ | ![]() The Bumble Bee fighting the saucers ![]() The Grasshopper fighting the UFOs ![]() The Hummingbird battles UFOs ![]() The Hawk battles UFOs ![]() Black Wasp battles UFOs |