While those two followed the saucers back at the point of attack Tracker and Tracker 2 were setting what seemed like the entire sky on fire. Dozens of saucers were either falling out of the sky while on fire or they were still attempting to keep from crashing while flying around on fire. Tracker and Tracker 2 discovered that the force fields used by the aliens could be harmed by heating up the atmosphere. It turned out while the ships were designed to protect themselves from a direct attack, they were not equipped to deal with the atmosphere becoming severe, such as extreme heat. So many of the saucers were falling out of the sky while on fire that the ground support was spending all of its time just dealing with the falling and fallen saucers that were crashing into houses and buildings below. Heroes like Cobra, Silkworm, The Flea were racing to put out fires or to save people from a wrecked and falling building. Mantis Shrimp led the way with his super-speed and ability to punch so hard he could explode sections of the fallen buildings they needed to enter. Back up in the sky where the battle had begun the good guys were beginning to lose the battle. There were simply too many of the saucers for them to be able to fight them off. Sheer exhaustion began to take its toll after an hour of intense battle had passed. Tracker and Tracker 2 didn’t know how long their fire would sustain. If they lost their fire power they also lost their ability to fly. They had been at it hard. Tracker decided as much as he didn’t want to quit, that it might hurt the overall mission if they lost both himself and his double, since it seemed they were making the most difference against the saucers. Many of Team Crandel had fallen during the fight. The jet-packs were nearly all gone and the Mel’s hole heroes had also taken on injuries which were either disabling or at risk of being so; for that reason Tracker saw no choice but to call for retreat. The breakoff of attack was apparent from a long distance away from where the actual battle was taking place. Hero after hero was headed back to the headquarters, beaten or nearly so, and severely discouraged. Their effort had gained little to no progress in their mission. The Hawk and Hummingbird were staying in line with the other saucers. They thought about moving ahead along the line but much like their predecessors, FireAnt 2 and Dragonfly, they feared that cutting in line might be viewed as an aggressive act, which they knew would trigger an offensive assault by the saucers. Perhaps something else as well once they entered the mother ship. Suddenly they felt a whisp of wind arrive. The next thing they knew there was a voice speaking to them. “I’ll take it from here kids.” The No-See-Um said. “It’s me, Carrie.” “No-See-Um. Well I guess I cannot argue with being replaced, considering in this instance I am the equivalent of bologna and for this instance, you are prime beef. By that I mean you can go unseen where we cannot.” Hawk stated. “Appreciate you’re not giving me a hard time.” No-See-Um said. “If you two insisted on going ahead and got caught, or set off some sort of alarm, it could be the difference for me. I’m entirely relying on stealth, as you know. So again I appreciate the faith.” Hummingbird gave a wink. She wasn’t sure to what, but if she could trust the voice, it was her team mate, the NO-See-Um. “See you back at HQ, Hummingbird.” Carrie said as she took off at next to her fastest speed. She cut in and out of the saucers which were lined up. At some point she noticed she could no longer see the stars ahead. When that realization came to be, she slowed down and looked back behind her to see Earth. It was no longer there. “Guess I will see everybody, everything, back at HQ. I hope that comes to be.” Then she took off at next to highest speed again, to find out what was at the front of this line. A short while later, Carrie began to feel sick. She tried to go on but was forced to get away. Back down the line of saucers she she flew. Whatever was ahead at the front of that line, it was not something for human beings to be near. She felt worse and worse the further she went. Realizing she might pass out at any second, she went into high speed flight. She raced back toward headquarters. Back at headquarters the retreating squads were arriving. Many in bad shape, all were missing there attachments of jet-pack soldiers. The streets were not only littered with crashed UFOs, but also with the parachuted jet-packs that the command had so cruelly issued to the men who were flying the jet-packs. those who had went out in jet-packs did not survive the falls. Command was still busy with ground troops who had been sent out to retrieve the bodies of those who didn’t make it. It was just a convenient coincidence that since they were there that they should also retrieve the jet-packs which were not damaged in the falls. Or that was what command wanted everyone to believe. Moral among the troops was at the lowest possible. They had tried twice, and failed twice. And they had given it all they had. Heating up the atmosphere worked to get the saucers to lower their force fields so to go on the offensive but there were simply too many of the enemy to have any chance of winning a battle. Unless they figured out a way to get to the mother ship(s). Meanwhile No-See-Um was racing at top speed in hopes of getting back to the headquarters before she lost consciousness. The world was starting to swim in front of her. She took her flight upwards in hopes she could get high enough she wouldn’t risk running into something while on her flight home. However she knew she was taking another risk. If she lost consciousness it meant she would go into a free-fall and become visible. She did not have the backup parachute that many of the other heroes had been issued. She couldn’t wear one and be invisible. Now she feared she would pay the ultimate price for her stealth. It was nearing another sunset as she raced to get home. She had thoughts about how nice it was to have the warm breeze hitting her while she flew onward. Every time she would swim in and out of consciousness, when she regained, she would compensate for any chance of loss of elevation by climbing a little higher. Meantime Tracker landed back on the HQ rooftop. After landing he watched to make sure all the tribe made it back. Once he had established they were back, some admittedly not in the best of shape, but now that he could relax about their safety he allowed himself to worry about the others who were missing, some he knew were dead. Then he saw something. Or thought he saw something. It was in the far distance, coming from where the battle had taken place. There were still a few stragglers coming in but for the most part those who were coming back, were back. Yet he thought he had seen something in the distance. It was coming fast, but then it was gone. He kept his eye on that part of the sky and then he saw it again. It was a team member and they appeared to be unable to manage flight. They were falling. Tracker knew he couldn’t make it in time. He hollered for Daniel. Either one worked. They both arrived and he pointed at the falling team member. Both Dragonflies took off at top speed. Known to be the fastest in nature, these versions of the dragonfly would have made the others not only proud, but impressed because they were actually much faster than their insect cousins. The two few across the sky so quickly there was a sonic boom, twice. Before Carrie hit the ground the two dragonflies arrived to catch her. Daniel 2 said, “I’ll take her. You fly protection.” Daniel shook his head in agreement and they took off in flight. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that she was in need of medical assistance immediately. Yes they had saved her from the fall, but it became apparent right away that she was going to need saving from more than the fall. Daniel used his agency-issued communication device to contact Crandel and arrange for medical assistance to be ready for the incoming patient. “She’s unconscious and trembling. She also appears to have been getting sick before she passed out. That’s all I can tell you.” Daniel said and then he sped up to catch Daniel 2 as he raced back to headquarters with Carrie, the No-See-Um in his arms. She had not awoke since they caught her. Back at headquarters agent Crandel got the medical team to prepare for incoming. There was no way of knowing what was wrong with her but whatever it was, it did not appear to be due to a physically-caused injury. Worst case scenario was she had been exposed to some sort of disease, possibly contagious, so both her and Daniel 2 would be required to be quarantined until it could be determined what was wrong, or what had caused her to become sick. When they returned the protocol was that both Daniels had to go into quarantine while medical staff dressed in air-tight garb, tried to figure out what had happened to the No-See-Um. It wasn’t very long before a preliminary report was filed by the medical team. It had one point to make. The column space marked, CAUSE OF DEMISE had just two words in it. Radiation exposure. The more detailed part of the report from the doctor stated this is very preliminary but it is expected to be revealed that radiation poisoning was the cause of death. Agent Crandel read the report and then had to find someplace to sit down. It always hit him hard when he lost team members. He had been the one that sent her, alone, on the mission she lost her life. He would have to live with that. This was the first agent he ever lost that was directly under his direction. Yes they lost super-soldiers, like the men in the jet-packs, but that was a different division which was also under him , but not directly. ——————– Chapter ————————— Back in the facility hospital there was a ruckus. Carrie Sanders was not dead. She had flashed in and out, but currently she was still fighting to stay alive. The doctor that had sent in the preliminary report had been just that, preliminary. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t be right at the end of the day however. Currently the medical staff was fighting to save her life. It was anybody’s guess if she made it. According to scuttlebutt, she needed a cure for something they didn’t have a cure. Eventually this gossip made its way to the agent in charge. “She’s alive?” Agent Crandel asked. “What is the situation? Tell me everything. And I want to talk to the doctor if he is not doing anything. If I understand correctly, you are saying they have done all they can for her? If that is the case then get the doctor on the phone.” A few moments later there was the sound of the doctor’s voice coming over the communication device. “She needs a cure for radiation poisoning. Got that handy? Because we do not. We can make her discomfort somewhat less. But that is it.” “So if I understand correctly, you do not think she will make it? And you feel you have done all that you can which will make a difference in the outcome?” Agent Crandel asked. “Yes sir, that is entirely correct.” The doctor answered. “Keep her in the operating room. I will be there shortly. Do not say anything to anyone about this.” Agent Crandel said. He then hurried to find Tracker or Tracker 2. Either would do. The No-See-Um’s life was hanging in the balance. He hurried up to the building’s rooftop to see if either of them were there. He was relieved to see both were there talking to Bumble Bee and The Cricket. “I need to speak with one or both of you immediately.” Agent Crandel said impatiently. “Right now!” The trio walked away from the others who had been gathered on the rooftop to watch the saucers as they continued in their task of whatever they were doing. “We don’t have time to argue about this. I suspect you have regenerative powers. I KNOW you have the blood type which is universal. The No-See-Um is dying. There is no way to save her except that I thought what if you were to give her an infusion of your blood. It might work.” Tracker and Tracker 2 were shocked to find out that agent Crandel knew of their secret. However neither hesitated when they realized what the agent was thinking. “You’re right. It might work! It is certainly worth the risk.” Both Trackers said in unison. Then they turned to each other and again said in unison. “We’re still the same guy.” Then they raced to the facility hospital. They had blood to give. “She’s in critical condition. The transfusion might kill her but she is going to die anyway. There’s no time. Have your man sit down here and we will run the transfusion straight into her veins.” The doctor said. Both Trackers started to sit down. Tracker 2 stood up and let the other have the seat. There was no time to waste on who went, they were just happy to be there to help. Soon there was a plastic clear tube that ran between Carrie and Tracker. Everyone watched as his blood made the way through the tube and then when it was ready, the transfusion was completed. Soon the regenerative blood cells inside Tracker, would be pulsing through Carrie’s radiated body. It was like watching a movie. You could see the regenerative blood make its way through her body the way she responded so quickly to the new blood. A minute and a half later she was awake and asking what had happened? Agent Crandel was the one who finally put everything together. No-See-Um’s illness cemented his suspicions. He made a call on his communication device and said into it, “Well? What were the readings?” Over the device it could be heard the voice replying, “Almost no radioactive readings to report.” Agent Crandel said into his device, “Are you absolutely certain? You checked the areas I designated? The ones where the waste from the nuke plant is kept? Even when standing over that area, you got no radiation? “Copy that sir. The device has been double-checked to be working properly. We are getting a below-average radiation in the spots where it is expected to be off the charts.” Then there was silence followed by, “Do you want us to come in sir? The entire area has been checked, those you designated were checked twice. Sir, there is no sign of radiation. Its all clear sir.” Agent Crandel hung up his device and looked at the two Trackers, along with No-See-Um who was awake and aware and showed no signs of permanent damage in any way. Even better was there was no sign she had ever been exposed to the toxic waste that poisoned her. “You and Daniel, whichever of the two of you and your doubles it was, I don’t remember. Anyways, they had the regenerative powers which allowed them to be exposed to the radioactive waste but then recover since being smart enough to get out of there before it made you so impaired you couldn’t any longer escape so that you could recover. Apparently all three of you were smart enough to recognize that whatever was making you sick, was something you couldn’t beat and that you couldn’t be exposed to for very long.” He paused catching his breathe and then continued, “My theory is that the alien ship is here on automation. I believe it was either sent here, or sent out to find some place like here, where it could harvest radioactive material. Perhaps for fuel, but who knows? For all we know it could be for their food source.” Tracker let go a small laugh and said, “So where you going with all this?” “Give me the chance to finish and you will know.” Agent Crandel replied. “So while everyone went out for the last mission, I had more time to consider the information that No-See-Um called in. I added that to what the two who entered the mother ship the day before, had told me. It began to make sense. I mean, if they were wanting to dump radioactive material, why would they have come to an inhabited planet instead of dumping it into deep space or one of the other planets where nobody is living? It doesn’t make sense. Unless they were coming here to pick up, not drop off. So I started doing some research from a different perspective. This time instead of looking for points of conflict, I looked for points of aggression. There were none. Every offensive move the aliens have made has in fact been a reaction to our action. So then I sent a team out to check that munitions plant that Carrie had called me about. Turned out the radioactive levels are gone. Or almost gone. The report said levels were lower than before he munitions plant, had been built. There was no sign of the toxic waste they were storing there from the nuke plant. Based on what I am seeing I believe they are here to take our toxic waste. Maybe to them it is fuel. Maybe its food. Who can guess?” “Maybe it is a courtesy sent by distant neighbors who saw that we needed a little help cleaning up a mess that quite frankly, we still lack the technology to address. Perhaps they saw that we needed to get these places cleaned up sooner than later. Then they may have surmised that while our technology has obviously outraced our wisdom, it has not reached the point yet where it can fix the mistakes we make while lacking wisdom. Perhaps that day will never come.” Tracker said, ending his statement with a wanting sigh. “Perhaps it will come but we won’t be around to see it happen.” “Discouraging words.” Carrie said. “Depressing. Yes. Discouraging … I would argue it could be twisted to say they were encouraging words. Or at the least motivating words.” Agent Crandel said. “After all, as long as we’re still here then hope lives.” “I can’t argue that.” Tracker said. “Why doesn’t it give me that everything is gonna be alright feeling?” “Because you know the human race. It isn’t hard to become discouraged because currently, people believe that money is everything. Especially in the states. When I was a very young man, women were known for being unpredictable. The things they loved were sometimes the most unlikely. Of course, that is still true with a select few. The majority these days however are more interested in what a guy has, or what his potential is, than they are about the man himself. Men used to be about honor. It used to be that your word meant everything because a man who couldn’t be worth his word was a man not worth anything. It used to be that if I gave my word I would be there the next day, you can bet I was there. Vice-versa for my friends. Men walked away from lucrative situations if they looked like they were underhanded. They were proud they couldn’t be bought. Even politicians made an effort to be better people. To have principals that they stuck to: not that they flipped on the second the polls indicated they might do a slight better if they completely did a one-eighty on the issues at hand. You won’t believe this, but there were actually politicians who tried to pass laws that did away with lobbying, laws that protected the individual, not the cops who can get away with just about anything these days. Yeah, it is depressing. The system is still there. All the people have to do is to commit themselves to adamantly watching the politicians, and when they see them tryng to do something underhanded, which is most the time, they gotta vote those people out of office.” “I think I am more depressed now than before talking with you agent Crandel.” Tracker said. Crandel laughed. “Its been a long couple of days. You’ll feel better after some sleep and a good meal. Never fails. In fact its the only way I am able to keep going. You gotta get your sleep, and you gotta eat. We haven’t done much of either these last few days. I know I am stretched about as tight as I can go, what with nearly losing you Carrie, and now I have to live with the fact that if I had realized this about the aliens sooner, there would be a lot of jet-pack soldiers still alive.” He sighed and looked tired. “Agent Crandel, I know you are going to tell me to give it some time and think things over, and I want to preface what I say next by saying that I think you are a good man, deep down. I don’t envy your position because you have to take orders from men who are not as honorable as yourself. On top of that because it is your position, you must carry out those orders without question. Or at least, without their being time to question the orders.” Tracker sighed, then continued. “So I hope you understand why at this time the Tribe is going to keep to its own but know if you ever need us that we will be there. With an asterik that we will question orders, and if necessary take the time to do so, before we act. Also know that I understand it is your job to try and keep us in the fold. I don’t blame you but at same time I hope you don’t blame me for not wanting to get into bed with a government that I have lost faith. Perhaps it is fair to say I never had faith, after all, I have the history of my people to guide me in whether to trust the US government.” “I’m too tired to even think about talking about this right now.” Agent Crandel said. “Besides, we aren’t through with this mission yet.” “I think we are.” Tracker replied. “I think you are completely correct that there won’t be any further trouble with the aliens as long as we are not preventing the saucers from doing their work. Next Page | ![]() The Bumble Bee ![]() The No-See-Um ![]() The Humming Bird ![]() The Grasshopper ![]() The Crawdad ![]() Webmaker ![]() Electric Eel |