There is one thing. We’d like to keep these cool outfits you guys gave us.” “Not a problem. They were designed excusively for each of you. Each of you will also receive a paycheck for the time you helped Team Crandel. I still have a job for you and Tracker 2. We need to make sure the saucers that we knocked down were not carrying any toxic waste. I thought you and your double could go around and burn them with excess heat, until there in no chance they could be a threat to the civilians.” “Yeah, we can do that. Carrie, I have talked with Black Wasp. She is coming to join the Tribe. That offer is also extended to you.” Tracker took her aside out of hearing distance for agent Crandel. “I have given a lot of thought to your situation. I don’t know what blood type you are, but I imagine agent Crandel will at some point want to share your blood with those that can have it. So they too, will enjoy regenerative powers. As much as I respect the agent, and have grown to not only like, but in some ways, admire him, I cannot keep from thinking that you will be used at some point. Frankly I am surprised he hasn’t tried to get me to share some more blood myself, because mine can be given to literally anybody. I have no illusions about the government. They will want the regenerative powers. So think it over. With us, well we have no agenda for anything you have, with them, that will always be hanging over you. This is your chance to be with people like yourself, and if we keep tight our numbers might be enough to keep the government off our backs.” Carrie thought for a long minute and then replied. Being a No-See-Um, I have special abilities which though not more powerful than some others, are however unique. They are especially important for espionage. In other words, I was born to work for Tom Crandel. That all said, I agree with Tracker that they may not try right away, but the first opportunity they will use my blood under the convenient excuse of someone needing it to keep them from dying. Before long they would have an entire army of soldiers with regenerative powers.” “I don’t know what sort of things they would do with such a powerful army, but I do know I don’t want to be responsible for them attaining such an army. No, I agree that if the government ever gets itself in trouble to the point of needing the likes of us, that they can rest comfortable knowing that the Tribe is just a phone call away. That Tribe will include myself as well.” “Tribe Assemble!” Tracker announced. When the group was gathered, Seta and Tonka catching a ride with the two Daniels, and the Black Wasp and NO-See-Um flying along with the two Trackers, they said their good-byes. Just before leaping into the air and taking off in flight, FireAnt said to agent Crandel, “We’re just a phone call away. As long as you always treat us upfront, and do not lie to us, you can count on us for backup. Just call.” Just as Tracker was about to take off, the Mantis Shrimp came racing up. He spoke into Tracker’s ear and when he pulled away, Tracker asked the Black Wasp if she could carry Mantis Shrimp. It turned out he also wanted to get away from the government big brother situation. When he figured out that Tracker and friends were going home, he decided to ask if he could come also? As the FireAnt led the way for the group of flying heroes toward his parent’s house he hoped they wouldn’t mind some new faces being there for a while. As they headed home they passed by a convoy of the flying saucers. Seeing them, Tracker couldn’t help but be reminded of the old saying about what happened to the duck that got a late start flying south for the winter. So he was by himself. The first night he flew it was cold and when he got tired he landed and fell asleep in a spot that a cow pooped which landed on the duck but it kept him warm through the night. The next day he was rescued from that big plop of cow poop. He was pulled from the cow pie, cleaned off like new, by a cat. The punchline to that old story went: not everybody that poops on you has intent to do you harm and not everybody that helps you is someone who is your friend. He liked Tom Crandel. He may help him again one day. He would never trust a man who represented a government. They never do anything in the best interest of the people. Although that is what they will always claim first. The truth is that you can never trust them to keep their word, or to have your back, unless it is in a marriage with some goal that they already wanted accomplished. He looked back and was satisfied to see his heroes were all right behind him. Two fire shooting flyers (counting him), with two of the fastest, strongest, most agile flyers, plus a venom shooting scorpion and the super-strong beetle that could shoot explosives, a strong flyer that shoots paralyzing stingers and rounded out with an invisible speed flyer who has her own mild stingers she can shoot: and he thought they made an intimidating team to try and beat. One thing was for sure, the not-so-distant future would tell the tale. Tribe Prepare! Back to Home Page | ![]() Black Wasp ![]() The Scorpion ![]() The Beetle ![]() FireAnt |